Last Call for Sponsors!

Happy 2024! Tour Schedule is here!

Our family is so thrilled about this coming year. I took down the Christmas decorations in the RV and felt so excited about this fresh start and new opportunity to continue to learn and grow.

Last Call for Sponsors!

Join Brecky Breck on our 2024 Books and Bikes Tour and become an integral part of our journey! We're offering limited $500 tour support slots and Patreon memberships until January 15th. This unique opportunity places your brand on our tour equipment, seen by diverse audiences throughout 2024.

Secure your spot now and let's ride into the new year with stories, smiles, and community spirit!

Some Memories to Share!

We spent the entire month of December in Palm Springs, CA. Most of our time was spent at a Thousand Trails RV park as we have membership and it makes our stay really affordable! (only $70 a month! ) Being in the warmth for this little break was such a blessing to our family.

While in Palm Springs resting, Kylan’s parents were able to come visit for a long weekend of fun! They rented an Airbnb nearby where we could all spread out and swim. It was such a memorable weekend as they took our kids on little “dates” individually. We all needed our love cups filled. It was amazing!

On Christmas day, our little family spent the morning opening a couple gifts and eating a yummy waffle, eggs, and bacon breakfast. It was the most calm and quiet Christmas we’ve ever had. It was really sweet and special, but we missed our family so much. It didn’t feel quite like Christmas to the kids, but we made the most of it!


While on a hike on Christmas Eve, I brought along graham crackers, frosting, and candy to surprise the rest of the family with a Christmas activity of building “gingerbread houses” in the middle of the desert! It was such a shock and surprise to everyone when I pulled all of that out of my backpack! Such a fun memory!

Postcards are going out soon!

I apologize to those of you who have been waiting for me to catch up on the postcards! I fell behind a bit this holiday season, but will be catching up shortly! If you are not already signed up for our Patreon, be sure to sign up to get on our mailing list for monthly postcards from Brecky Breck and our family. We are so grateful for all of your support and can say that our Patreon supporters are truly helping us make this tour possible.


Next Stop: Phoenix Arizona